Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Verse of the Day:
Ephesians 3:19

...and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

There are limits to so many things in our lives. In school, we can only learn so much before we have read an entire textbook or taken every test we can take. In sports, there is a limit reached when it is not physically possible to get any better. When we eat, there is a limited amount that our bodies can handle before we explode. You get the picture. We live in world where things are very limited. But in the midst of all of that, we are gifted with something that is NOT LIMITED! Can you guess what it is?!

It's God's love. He loves us. An unlimited amount. Even in our relationships with God, there is not a point that we will ever reach in our lives where we can say that we have a perfect relationship with God. There is not a limit to how much we can love HIM, just like there is not a limit as to how much he loves US. When you think about it, it's pretty exciting. We have a limitless horizon when it comes to getting to know God. No matter what we do, God's love to us has no limit. What do you think about that?

The Simple Truth: Life has a lot of limits, but God's love doesn't have a limit.


Lord, help me to realize that when I am restricted by all of the limits I face each day, I know I can count on  You to love me an extreme amount. Help me to get closer to You each and every day.

Let your light shine.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Getting to Know God

Verse of the Day: 
John 21:25

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

There was once a woman. She loved to read books and was constantly reading all sorts of novels - anything she could get her hands on.  Then one day she started reading a book someone told her was really great.  The woman got about 50 pages into the book and realized that she didn't enjoy it and didn't think it was worth her time to read.  She put the book high on her bookshelf and started a different book she thought would be better.  A few years later, this woman went on a blind date.  She left the date really happy.  This was a guy she thought she could spend a long time with and was looking forward to seeing him again.  After the two had gone on many more dates and were getting to know each other really well, the man mentioned that he had once written a book.  When she asked him about it, it turned out that the book he had written had been the one she had put down all those years ago.  As soon as the woman got home, she found the book and read it cover to cover that night.  And she LOVED it.  The book made so much more sense and was so much more valuable to her because she knew the author and was falling in love with him.

Sometimes the Bible can be boring to read.  It doesn't seem relevant to us and we can't help but think that it was written so long ago and that there is no way it can pertain to our lives anymore.  But if we get to know God and start falling in love with HIm, we look at the Bible in a completely new light.

The Simple Truth:  If you get to know and love God, the Bible can become the most interesting and inspiring book you've ever put your hands on.

Lord, help me to draw closer to You and desire Your word and guidance.  Draw me closer to You and show me how to get to know You better.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers -

Monday, April 18, 2011

Real-Life Action Heroes

Verse of the Day:
Philippians 4:13

I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.

A few weeks ago, I asked my cousins what they wanted to be when they grew up. My 8 year old cousin replied he wanted to be a karate master. My 6 year old cousin replied she wanted to be a princess. When we were all younger, we wanted to be something absolutely great when we grew up, whether it was the President of the United States (yep, that's what I wanted to be) or an action hero on TV. In our young minds, the plans seemed perfect. Our parents probably told us we could be whatever we wanted to be, but deep down they knew we'd never be able to become something so outrageous.

When we grew up, somewhere along the line, reality sunk in. Somewhere along the line, we let ourselves be okay with being content. Where did that mentality of being anything we wanted to be go? When did we realize that we probably couldn't be supermodels or CIA agents? When did we stop believing we could become the impossible? I think God wants us to still have that mentality, that we can do whatever we want do  to in Him. That doesn't mean life without problems, but it means lives overcoming problems. God wants to turn us into walking, talking, fearless, heroes for HIM.

The Simple Truth: God wants to turn us into real life action heroes that live fearless lives to praise Him.


Lord, help me to realize that nothing is impossible. Help me to overcome my life problems by having a mentality of a 5 year old and thinking I can achieve anything in You. Help me to be your real-life action hero.

Let your light shine.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Raising the Dead

Verse of the Day:
John 11:43-44

Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

We know the Bible story about how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus performed miracles, and this was just one of many. Sometimes, it is hard for us to relate to stories like these in the Bible because we don't see Jesus raising people from the dead every day. Sometimes it is hard to make a connection to daily life and to apply the stories to how you live.

Relating the story of Lazarus to our own lives. Think about a part of your life that seems, in a way, 'dead'. That might be your faith life, a relationship with someone you wish you were still in touch in, or falling behind on your school work. Jesus has the power to raise PEOPLE from the dead, but He is also there to raise these fallen parts of our lives and restore them. Ask Jesus to fill these holes in our lives. Easter time is just around the corner, and that is all about Jesus being RISEN! We gotta lay down these 'dead' parts of our lives for Jesus to raise, so we can rejoice with Him on Easter morning!

The Simple Truth: The story of Lazarus can be applied to our lives. Jesus can restore the 'dead' parts of our day to day routines.


Lord, help me to realize that just as you raised Lazarus from the dead, you can also raise the dead parts of my life. Help me to turn to you and to lay my baggage at your feet.

Let your light shine.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Count Your Blessings

Verse of the Day:
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Being a senior in high school is a really busy time. There is just a lot going on at school between plays and scholarships and concerts and banquets and practices and then again actually doing SCHOOL WORK. Some days can seem never ending. Some days, it seems as though my project for economy class is the biggest thing in the world. Some days, I don't even realize how good I truly have it, just for the simple things in my life. Things like being able to get a great education and having food to eat every day. Things like having great friends and a wonderful and supportive family.

What I'm getting to is that our school projects and concerts are so small in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the things in our daily lives that we forget to count our blessings and realize how much God has given us. I know between Kristy and I, we have done a lot of blogs about giving thanks to God, but I think it is so important. Think about the little things that are so vital to our daily lives that God has supplied for us and give Him thanks. Remember that all of these end-of-the-school-year events will soon pass, but God will remain.

The Simple Truth: Being busy can consume our lives, so much that we forget how much God has blessed us with.


Lord, help me to realize that all of these things that take over my daily life are not as important as You. Thank you for all of the things you have given me. Help me to appreciate the little things in life. Help me to not be consumed by the craziness of my life. Amen.

Let your light shine.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Verse of the Day:
John 4:13-14

Jesus answered and said to her, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

This verse is based off the woman at the well. She couldn't quite understand what Jesus was teaching her. She didn't understand how Jesus could give her living water when he didn't even have a bucket. Jesus pointed to the well water and said that whoever drinks this water would be thirsty again, but that who ever drank the water Jesus provided, they would have eternal life.

Sometimes, it's easy for us to get confused about this, too. The woman at the well wanted water at that very moment. In our own lives, we want popularity, fun, and security at this very moment. God is willing to care for us NOW. Are we willing to accept that? Or are we too lost in the things of this world that we want at this very instant?

The Simple Truth: Sometimes we get too wrapped up in the things we want RIGHT NOW that we forget that God is willing to care for us RIGHT NOW.


Lord, help me to realize that you are always here for me. When I want earthy things at an instant, help me to realize that you can give me your care even sooner and that it is worth much more. Amen.

Let your light shine.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fight your Battles

Verse of the Day:
1 Corinthians 10:13

God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.

In my little life, there have been moments where I have found that I repeat to myself over and over that "I cannot do this." These trials are wide ranging from a government test, to my driving license test, to going to Europe for a month, to singing at my grandpa's funeral, to just getting through a stressful day at school. Guess what? I'm still here. I've made it through all of those times I thought I could never make it.

God knows us better than anyone else does. God knows exactly what we can handle. When God puts things into our lives that make us struggle, He KNOWS we can get through them. I know this saying is so cliché, but God puts those things into our lives to make us stronger. Those tiny battles we fight every day make us warriors for the larger problems we may face later in our lives. Know that God knows exactly what you can handle and will help you through any situation, big or little, good or bad.

The Simple Truth: God knows what we can handle and will help us fight all of our battles.


Lord, help me to realize that I can get through anything with Your help. Help me to know that you understand me better than anyone else in this world and that you will never give me a battle I cannot handle. Be with me every day. Amen.

Let your light shine.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Verse of the Day:
Psalm 24:1

The earth is the Lord's and everything in it.  The world and all its people belong to Him.

Whenever I borrow something from someone, whether it be just an shirt from my sister or a car from my roommate, I try to be as careful as possible with it to make sure that I am able to return whatever it is I borrowed from that person in the best condition possible.  If I somehow would have ruined whatever had been borrowed to me, it would be my fault and I would have to make it up to them by buying them a new shirt or paying for their car to be repaired.  I am responsible for whatever I take into my hands.

Similarly, all that we have on this earth really isn't ours.  God has given us lots of great things to have while we're here, but when we go to heaven we don't get to take any of that stuff with us.  So in a sense we're just 'borrowing' it for our lifetime.  We need to take good care of what God has given us because someday we'll need to give it back to Him and we'll be held accountable for the things that we didn't take very good care of.

The Simple Truth:  Nothing here is for keeps.

Lord, when I am using one of the many gifts you've provided for me in this life, help me to remember that it's not really mine.  I know when I meet you face to face I will have to answer for everything I have and haven't done in this lifetime.  Help me to prepare for that by making wise decisions in this life.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-

Monday, March 14, 2011


Verse of the Day:
Matthew 4:1-2

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry.

Just for the record, I have to chuckle at the last part of that verse. "And he was hungry" -- after not eating for forty days and forty nights, I'm sure Jesus was a little more than starving!

Anyway, temptations are all around us. Every day. They seem so great at first, but they usually leave us feeling empty and vulnerable. Temptations can be anything from wanting to cheat on a math test to faking sick to get out of going to church. Giving into temptations may not seem like a big deal, but if they build up, they become a bigger deal. The more small temptations you give in to, the more you will get used to doing it. Then you will be tempted by even more things, and you'll keep digging a hole. It is up to us, with the help of God, to RESIST all of those daily temptations that don't seem like anything big, so we can build up a strong faith to avoid temptations to bigger situations in the future.

What are some temptations in your life? How big or small are they? What will help you resist those temptations?

The Simple Truth: Temptations are all around us. How will you resist them?


Lord, help me determine the temptations that are in my life. Help me to resist them so I can be closer to you and so that I can resist bigger temptations that I will face in the future. Be with  me to guide me and protect me along the way.

Let your light shine.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Get Your Ticket

Verse of the Day:
James 4:8

Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

Once upon a time, there was a man. This man wanted money. Really bad. He decided to pray that he would win the lottery. Every. Single. Day. He was confident that God would answer his prayers and that he would soon be very rich. After an entire year of praying, he became frustrated. He had been so persistent and started to lose his confidence in God. He asked God, "WHY haven't I won the lottery? Aren't you supposed to answer my prayers?" God answered him, "You haven't got a lottery ticket."

Sometimes, this concept happens to me. I get so caught up in asking God for things over and over again, I forget that my relationship with God is a two way street. I have to be putting in time to building our relationship. I cannot constantly ask God for things. I have to thank Him as well. We have to do our part so that the Lord can do His part.

The Simple Truth: Our relationship with God cannot be simply asking for things. Have you got your 'lottery ticket'?


Lord, help me to realize that our relationship is a two way street. Help me to thank you for things on a regular basis and to put effort into making my faith stronger.

Let your light shine.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Will You Do?

Verse of the Day:
Joel 2:12-13

"Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments.” 

It is officially Lent! I personally love Lent. I look forward to Lent. Sounds silly to some people, I would assume. Lent seems like a time of mourning and gloom. Really, it is a time to take a deeper look into your faith. A time to test your faith. A time to give something up, or even more importantly, do something more. 

In today's verse, Jesus tells us to "rend our hearts, not our garments". What does that mean exactly? A long, long time ago, people used to rip their clothes off as a sign to God that they are in deep prayer. They did it in front of many people, making everyone aware that they were living for the Lord. In this Bible verse, however, Jesus is telling us NOT to boast and to make everyone aware of our devotion to the Lord, but rather, to give him our HEARTS. To completely give up everything we are to Jesus in order to be closer to him. 

How can you do something this Lent to get closer to God? Maybe it's going the extra mile to friend someone at school. Maybe it's writing in your prayer journal every night. Maybe it's going to visit your grandma every week. Devote yourself to something like this, and write it down. Make this Lent a time to get closer to God. He's ready for us!

The Simple Truth: The Lord wants our hearts this Lent. What will you do?


Lord, help me to not only give something up this Lent, but to do something more. Help me to give my heart to you to get closer to you and to my faith. Help me to stay strong every day this Lent, not just the first few weeks. Amen.

Let your light shine. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So I'm an avid blog reader in my spare time, and I recently came upon this blog called 'Conversion Diary', written by a woman who converted from an atheist to a Christian a few years ago.  I really liked what she had to say about Lent, so I'm sharing it with you!  Check out her blog for more interesting posts!
Christians used to ask in wonder about my life as an atheist, “Don’t you feel like there’s something missing?” To which I would respond by rolling my eyes. In my worldview, the only things humans could possibly need or want were the goals that our species had evolved to need and want, and as long as I had those things or felt certain that I could attain them (which I did), nothing could be missing from my life. I continued to pursue happiness from the possibilities given to me by the material world alone. At some point I came to the realization that the best the world has to offer was probably never going to be good enough; that achieving my wildest dreams , even my own personal version of a Super Bowl win, would make me happy to a certain extent…but not fully. It was a bitter realization.
This is why I love Lent.
For me, Lent is a reminder that what I once thought was the worst news in the world — that there is nothing in the material universe that was going to bring me the deep happiness I craved — is actually the best news in the world. To give up worldly pleasures during Lent, things that I once built my life around pursuing, is to put them in their proper place; to disentangle my hopes and dreams from things and fleeting accomplishments; to set my sights much higher.
Lent reminds me to have a healthy amount of awe for one of the greatest mysteries ever seen: that the human animal, who should know of nothing other than the material world at hand, has from the beginning held on to this perplexing notion that what he needs and wants cannot be found in the only world he’s ever seen. Almost every culture throughout history, separated by time and space, has come up with this idea. I always wrote that off when I was an atheist, assuming that people just needed stories about fantasy worlds to make themselves feel better. But now that I have discovered God’s existence, I get it. This idea won’t die because the thirst we feel deep in our souls is real, and the material world offers us only saltwater to quench it. Looking outside the material world, finding God, is to finally find the pure water that fully satisfies the aching thirst.
Lent reminds me not that all the status and comforts and possessions I’ve pursued are necessarily bad, but that there is Something infinitely better. To quote C.S. Lewis: “All that we call human history — money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery — [is] the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.”
I wish you all a blessed and fruitful Lent.
Peace, love & prayers-

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Solid Foundation

Verse of the Day:
Matthew 7:24-27

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

Okay, so remember the story of the three little pigs from when you were a kid?  If not, let me refresh your memory...  There are three pigs trying to build their houses and protect themselves from the big bad wolf.  The first pig makes his house out of straw because it’s easy and then he has more time to relax and play.  The second works a little harder to make his out of sticks, which takes a little longer but still leaves plenty of time for him to have fun.  And the third pig builds his house out of bricks because he knows that even though it takes a lot more time and effort, it will be worth it in the end.  When the big bad wolf comes a-knockin’ later in the story, only the house of brick still stands. 

So I read this Bible passage the other day and realized it’s pretty much the same story.  We can build a relationship with God the easy way that takes the smallest amount of time and effort like the first pig.  Or we can commit ourselves to building a lasting relationship because even though it may take the extra time and effort, it proves to be worth it when the big bad wolf comes. 

The Simple Truth:  Build your faith on a solid foundation that won’t fall when troubles come your way.

Lord, help me not to take the easy way out when it comes to building a relationship with you.  I know it will be worth it to dedicate myself to You, even if sometimes it seems to be easier or more fun to do earthly things. You’re the only thing in my life that is everlasting.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers –

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stickin' With It

Verse of the Day:
2 Timothy 4:2 persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable...

I have a friend who is very passionate about acting and theater. She has worked so hard on stage and off stage. She has auditioned for many plays and has signed up for voice lessons to help her singing. She is in an acting mentorship with school. She helps out backstage for plays. She is so dedicated to the theater program and becoming an actress.

Despite this, she never gets the part she wants in the plays. She shoots big (like actors should ;)) but never seems to get the parts she wants. Most people, after not receiving the part they want, give up all together. This friend, however, has done the opposite. Sure, after she gets the disappointing part she is a little upset, but her optimistic attitude makes her really unique. She keeps going and practicing, even when the odds are against her.

This friend is a great example of how persistent we should be with our relationship with Christ. Sometimes the conditions are not ideal and we get tired of keeping our faith up. We need to remember to be persistent in strengthening our relationship with God, even when times are not so favorable.

The Simple Truth: Being persistent is important when it comes to strengthening our relationship with God.


Lord, sometimes it is hard for me to be persistent in maintaining a good relationship with You. Help me to stay  strong, even when I don't feel like it or when times are tough.

Let your light shine.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Growing with God

Verse of the Day:
Colossians 2:7

Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him.  Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.  

There is a family that I have been babysitting since the oldest child was a baby.  The kids are now 8 and 5 and every time I see them I am amazed at how much they have grown and changed since the last time I was with them.  It's the smallest things - I was amazed when the 5 year old was able to talk in full sentences when I came home from college a few years ago, and now she makes some of the funniest jokes I've ever heard and has the sassy mouth of a teenager.  And the 8 year old boy is so responsible!  He knows that he has to let the dog out, practice piano, and do his homework when he gets home from school.  He is able to do so many things on his own now and it makes me realize how fast people grow.  I never realized how much these kids changed when I was with them on a more regular basis.

I think sometimes our faith grows like this too.  From day to day it doesn't seem to make many improvements.  Sometimes I think.. "I've been praying more, going to church more, talking about God more, but I STILL don't feel like my relationship with Him is growing."  But when I look at my relationship with God a year ago or even a month ago, I can see how I've grown closer to Him and how He has worked so much in my life.

The Simple Truth: Just like with the kids, the differences are hard to see but there are constantly big changes happening in your relationship with God.

Pray:  Lord, help me to not get discouraged when it feels like my relationship with You is at a standstill.  Thank You for providing me with the opportunity to be close to You and to have Your guidance and love in my life.  I know You're slowly but surely doing great things with me.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers -

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Taking Things For Granted

Verse of the Day:
Psalm 23:1

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

I started my mentorship program today with a music therapist. As of now, we are mostly working with hospice patients. These are people who are nearing the end of their lives and really have no possessions left. One woman I worked with today had a clogged tubing feed yesterday and still claimed to be having "a good week". The people I worked with today were so grateful for our service of music to them, and they made it known. 

As I was sitting there watching these patients, I put things into perspective. I was complaining only an hour earlier because I didn't want to pay for gas or because I didn't know what I should wear that day. Looking at those hospice patients, THEY were the ones who really had something they could complain about, but they didn't. They did not take for granted the things they had. 

God is our provider. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we do NOT have, that we forget to acknowledge or thank God for the things that we DO have. Try to realize that we are extremely lucky people and to take a second look at the good things in our life.

The Simple Truth: God provides us with everything we need. Take nothing for granted.


Lord, help me to realize the great things in my life. Help me to know that You are my provider and my Shepard and that you will not abandon me. Help me to not take things for granted and to be grateful for the wonderful things in my life. Amen. 

Let your light shine.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Verse of the Day:
Proverbs 31:30

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but the woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.

When I was in high school I never felt the need to look excessively nice.  I wore a little make up to school and got dressed up some days, but I remember the majority of the days I was okay with rolling out of bed 15 minutes before school started and going in my sweatpants.  Then I came to college.  People DID care about what they looked like.  A lot.  They put more makeup on for class than I did for prom.  They didn't wear sweatpants to 7:45 a.m. class.  Instead, they got up at 6:00 a.m. to pick out the perfect outfit FOR CLASS.  All of the sudden I felt this pressure I'd never felt before to look really 'put together' on a daily basis.  And soon I was paying much more attention to my outward appearance than my inward appearance.

Sometimes we get caught up in what other people and society tell us we should care about and we spend valuable time worrying about what we look like and how others perceive us.  It's hard to think about now, but our bodies are aging every single day and someday we will grow old.  The things that are going to define us won't be our clothes or what we look like, but the kind of person we are, the good deeds we do,  and our faith in God will be things that stick with us forever.

The Simple Truth: Focus on things that will withstand the test of time.  Try to focus as much time on your spiritual appearance as your physical appearance.

Lord, help me to remember that the things that define me aren't the things in my outer appearance.  Remind me everyday to take time to work on who I am as a person and to grow to be more like you.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers -

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hard Work Pays Off

Verse of the Day:
2 Chronicles 15:7

But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.

I'm in Mock Trial at school. (Okay, I realize that it's super nerdy, but it's awesome) Last year we had an awesome team. We had 5 seniors who were just Mock Trial studs and really knew their stuff. We always won our competitions with them and last year we made history at my school when our Mock Trial Team made it to state for the first time. We were all so excited! We ended up getting 4th place in the state competition, something we were really proud of. Then those talented seniors graduated and we thought all hope was lost. 

This year, we started mock trial with only three returning team members out of 12. We were really nervous, but the new people were so dedicated! They got all of the rules and objections down, and I remember thinking to myself "Wow, we're actually not that bad!" A couple weeks ago at practice, our advisor asked us if going to state was something we were shooting for again, and we answered in a resounding YES! We wanted to prove something to ourselves -- that hard work could pay off. And it did pay off! Today, we had our determining meet that would potentially bring us to the state competition again. And we won! Our hard work truly did pay off. 

This is kind of like our relationship with God. If we work hard at it, we really are going to see some really great results. We will be rewarded. The commitment is hard, but it will pay off. Have courage to keep your relationship with God up. Work hard at it, and God will give you great things.

The Simple Truth: Hard work pays off in our relationship with God. Never give up.


Lord, sometimes it is hard to keep faith. Sometimes it's hard to work hard at building a better relationship with you. Help me understand that if I commit, great things will happen. 

Let your light shine.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Verse of the Day:
Hebrews 12:12-13

Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of place, but rather healed. 

I have this friend who broke his arm a few years back playing football. He got a cast for it and it started to heal, but then he was acting dumb around his friends and ended up hurting his arm even MORE. Then he had to stay in a cast for an even longer period of time, prohibiting him from playing the sports he loves. If he would have been patient and taken the right care of his arm, everything would have healed and he would have been back playing sports in a matter of weeks.

Relating this to God. (Man, that line never gets old) Sometimes we may have problems in our relationship with God. We may not be as strong as we could. Sometimes, we're completely broken inside, and instead of trying to fix it, we mess up even more. God wants us to recognize when we are broken and to take the right steps to get better. If we make sure steps to get better and to fix our relationship with God, we will be healed. The best part about it is that God WANTS us to get better and he WANTS to help us. Cool.

The Simple Truth: In order to be healed, we gotta fix what's wrong, not make it worse.


Lord, when I am broken inside, help me to turn to you and not to something else that will make my problems worse. Help me become strong and have a wonderful relationship with you.

Let your light shine.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Children of God

Verse of the Day:
Matthew 18:3-4

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever takes the humble position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

I nanny a 2 and a 4 year old in La Crosse.   I have been watching them a few days a week for the past year and they are always very entertaining to me.  They are at ages where everything is new and fascinating.  The other day, the 2 year old sat for 5 minutes playing with the garbage (one that you push a button and it pops open) because she was absolutely AMAZED by it.  These kids trust the world in a way that doesn’t seem rational to me.  They don’t know people can be bad, they make new best friends everyday on the playground, and they never lose sleep over gossip, lies, or betrayal.  And they know God in the way that God is talking about in this verse.  Once, my friend Elicia who also watches the kids was with them and had on a cross necklace.  The 4 year old pointed at her necklace and said “Jesus died on the cross for my sassy words.”  Simple as that.  No overanalyzing it.  No claiming that he’d never done anything wrong.  Just knowing that God died for US.  Sometimes we get too caught up in everything that is going on in our lives and we forget the simple pleasures God provides us with every day.  God loves when we are willing to follow Him, learn all we can about Him, and rely on Him for comfort and support.

The Simple Truth:  Through the eyes of a child, the world is a simple and amazing place. 

Lord, thank You for all the little things You give me and show me on a daily basis that I so often overlook.  Help me to approach the world more like a child – with a humble heart, an innocent mind, and a servant’s hands.  Amen.  

Peace, love & prayers-

Friday, February 18, 2011

Being Thankful

Verse of the Day:
Psalm 4:1

Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.

I think we could all use a lesson on being thankful from this little girl.

Thank You God

Happy Weekend!

Peace, love & prayers-

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Giving Everything

Verse of the Day:
Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Okay so I know I relate a lot of stuff to God about my singing experiences and voice lessons and stuff...but really that's where I make a lot of connections! So, yet again, I have ANOTHER connection. Bear with me :)

I was at my voice lesson the other night, and I just wasn't singing very well. I don't know why. It just didn't sound very good and I wasn't hitting notes I usually can hit. Then my voice teacher said "Lauren, just give everything you've got and you'll hit that note!" I didn't think he would be right, but when I put everything toward hitting that ONE NOTE I hit it! And it felt so good!

Relating this to God, sometimes we don't give everything to God. We might give him some of our worries or some of our anxieties about certain things. When we do that, sometimes we're not pleased with the outcome. If we give God all of our worries, all of our hopes, dreams, fears, happiness, think of how much we will get out of it. When we put everything we have toward building a stronger relationship with God, we're gonna get it. And it's gonna feel so good!

The Simple Truth: If we give everything to God, He'll do great things for us.


Lord, help me to give everything to You, not just some of the things in my life. Help me to realize how powerful and great You really are. Amen.

Let your light shine.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Verse of the Day
2 Corinthians 3:18

All of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord.  And the Lord - who is the Spirit - makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.  

One of my closest friends at school is named Allie.  We actually only met early last year, but we hit it off right away.  Soon we were hanging out a lot outside of school and becoming better and better friends.  We realized we had a lot of similarities - we were both elementary education majors (so we had most of our classes together too!), we both came from families of all sisters, we were both strong in our faith, we both loved country music, the list goes on and on.  And the more time we spent with each other, the more similar we became.  Now we get mistaken for each other by professors and when our classmates see one of us without the other the first question they would ask us was 'Where's Allie/Kristy?'.  We're pretty much like a package deal these days.

Relating this to God (I'm stealing that line from Lauren. ;) ) the more time we spend with God, the more similar to Him we become too.  We start to speak gently and positively to people like He would want us to.  Our attitudes and motives become more pure.  The things we do to serve others aren't thought of as burdens but as acts of love.  Overall, we gain more Christ-like qualities.

The Simple Truth:  Spend some time with God, He might rub off on ya.

Lord, help me to want to spend more quality time with You.  I want to become more like You everyday I live.  Thank You for showing me how to lead a faithful life.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tipping God

Verse of the Day:
1 Corinthians 15:57

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ

A lot of us go to restaurants. After we eat, we pay the waiter or waitress for their service. It is an automatic thing for us to do. It’s usually about 15% or more of the total amount that the food bill comes out to and we leave it on the table for the waitress to find after we leave the restaurant. We do it as a way of saying "thanks" to the people who do service for us. 

How often do we ‘tip’ God for His service? Obviously we can’t pay God with money, but we can ‘tip’ Him daily with our time and with our talent. Stop and think of how much of your day is devoted to God. God does a lot for us! He deserves all the tips in the world. But what can you do TODAY to give God a little bigger of a ‘tip’? Maybe it’s an extra 5 minutes of prayer before bed. Maybe it is signing up to teach religious education classes at church.  What can you do to show God that He’s doing good service for us? Better yet, how can you make it an automatic thing, just like leaving tips for waitresses?

The Simple Truth: We automatically leave tips for the people who give us service. We need to do the same for God!


Lord, help me to give you a good ‘tip’ every day with my time and talent. Help me to let you know I appreciate all You do for me. Amen.

Let your light shine.

Monday, February 14, 2011

In the World, Not of it

God has blessed me with so many wonderful people in my life.  One of these people is Alyssa.  She is my roommate and one of the most beautiful people, inside and out, that I have ever known.  Alyssa has such a love for Christ and an amazing passion for people, especially people in other countries who don't have the opportunities we have here in America.  I am so lucky to have her in my life and she has changed the way I look at so many things in this world.  God has her doing big things in her life and I can't wait to see what they are.  Keep this girl in your prayers!  Anywho, she's guest blogging today.  :)

Verse of the Day:

Romans 12:2

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.

We live in a world that puts more faith in our failing economy than in our Savior.  A world that would rather sing songs of discrimination than songs of praise.  It’s all so tempting to lose ourselves  in the customs of this world but I’d rather live for what’s pure and true. 

During my run this evening my beautiful friend Cherie and I were made an observation of how many billboards we were passing with the simple purpose of trying to persuade us to buy unnecessary items.   As I reflected on Romans 12:2 I couldn’t help but think about today’s culture and the customs of this world.  Hollywood is filled with glitz and glamour, the quality of life (for many) is determined by how many things one owns, and money is the driving force of actions.  How beautiful is it that as Christians we have something much more valuable, promising, and true.  We have the love of Christ and he has a plan for my and your life that is indescribable through words.  We don’t have to look any further than the promises in the Bible to know that if we let him into our life and let him direct it we will live a life full of love and a life that is pleasing to Him. 

The Simple Truth: Jesus is love.

Lord, I pray that you continue to transform and mold me into the person that you created me to be.  I want to live only by the plan that you have mapped out for my life because your plan is more beautiful and perfect than anything I could ever dream up.  

I am so blessed to have this girl as one of my best friends.
Peace, love & prayers-

Happy Valentine's Day!  Hope you spread some love! :)

Friday, February 11, 2011


Verse of the Day:

Leviticus 19:18
Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself.

I've had a super stressful week at school. For those of you who don't know, I'm kind of a crazy person because I'm involved in way too many things for my own good. I was at work getting everything ready for our big semi-formal dance coming up tomorrow night. Every day, it seemed, something would go wrong. One day someone forgot to sell tickets at lunch. The next day someone messed up all the money in the cash box. The next day we ran out of dance tickets, and there were crying girls and upset guys who didn't get their tickets. 

Throughout all of those little mishaps, someone was always responsible. I was just so stressed, I took it out on everyone around me. I acted pretty selfish, not thinking anyone's problems even COMPARED with mine. I got really mad at this one guy over something really stupid. I was holding grudges. I wasn't thinking about anyone but myself. 

After I got some sleep and all of the problems got fixed, I looked at things from another perspective. I tried not to think of just me. And guess what? Things went a lot smoother. Holding grudges did nothing to help my situation. Getting mad at people didn't fix the fact that someone messed up the money. Once I got past that and learned to look what it'd be like in other people's shoes, I got so much more done.

The Simple Truth: Holding grudges will do nothing. Look at things from others points of view and you'll be able to see what really matters.


Lord, when I am frustrated with other people or situations, help me to not hold grudges and to look at things from their point of view. Help me to realize that it's not all about me.

Let your light shine.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jonah and the Whale

Verse of the Day:
Jonah 1:3

But Jonah ran away from the LORD...

Okay, so I got an email with this video in it.  This little girl is AMAZING.  Her story telling abilities leave me in awe every time I watch it.  She rocks.  I'm sure you all know the story of Jonah and the Whale, but if not this is a great way to learn about it.  And if you already know it, you'll see it differently after watching this.

The Story of Jonah

The Simple Truth:  You can't run from God.  ; )

Lord, help me to know that whatever task you give me is what I'm supposed to be doing.  Show me the way to fulfilling Your plan.  You are a great God.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Verse of the Day:
Colossians 4:5

...make the most of every opportunity.

I just started a mentorship program with my school. Basically, for the next 10 weeks I get to follow around someone doing their professional job and get a feel for what it'd be like. I'm going to be mentoring with a music therapist and I'm really excited about it, but I'm also very nervous. Today, I had an interview with him and met him for the first time. I had no idea what to expect! I was nervous, wondering if he'd even be willing to be a mentor or want to work with me. Right before I met with him, I decided this was a significant opportunity and that I needed to put my heart into it to get what I wanted out of it.

Even though I didn't even get to follow him around as a music therapist, I got a lot out of our hour interview because I put a lot into that opportunity to meet with him. I asked all the questions I needed and didn't hesitate to share my fears and my excitement. As soon as I was open, he was too, and we both got a lot out of the meeting.

Relating this to God, ( I use that phrase a lot don't I) :)) there are so many opportunities to get closer to God. Some of them we pass up or don't even see all together. Make the most of every opportunity God throws at you. And when you take up that chance, put whatever you've got into it. You'll get a lot out of it in return.

The Simple Truth: God throws opportunities in our lives and it's up to us to make the most of them.


Lord, help me to make the most of every opportunity and to recognize chances to get closer to you. Help me through new situations that might scare me. A to the MEN.

Let your light shine.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Good Deeds

Verse of the Day:
1 Timothy 6:18

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.

I came home last night to my roommate having a really bad day.  It was 11:30 p.m., she had been in class all day, then worked until 11, she had 2 papers to write before class in the morning, and about 10 other  things that were stressing her out.  I felt so terrible for her, but I also felt like there was NOTHING I was able to do to make her day better.  I talked to her for a while and once she felt a little better about all she had to do, I went to bed.  Our schedules are pretty opposite, so I didn't see her during the day today but I kept thinking about her, praying for her, and hoping her day today was better than yesterday.

I had to run some errands today and passed by the candy isle at the grocery store.  Cookie Dough Bites caught my eye...  'Elicia loves these!' I thought.  I threw them in my basket and checked out.  When I got home I wrote a little note to her and put that and the candy on her bed.  Elicia got home from work a little while later, and I actually forgot I had even put the candy in her room.  She talked to us downstairs for a while and then went up to her room to go to bed.  Soon after, she ran out of her room laughing and thanking me over and over for the candy, the note, and for just plain old thinking of her.  She seriously just came in my room 30 seconds ago and thanked me again.   It made me feel so great that I was able to impact her day so much JUST by writing a simple note and getting her her favorite candy.

The Simple Truth:  Our SIMPLE actions can turn someone's day around.  Small actions speak in big ways.

Lord, help me to notice when those around me are in need of something.  I know that I won't always be able to provide what they need, but help me to remember to pray for them and help them in simple ways.  Keep my focus on how great it is to constantly serve others.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-

Monday, February 7, 2011

Renewing My Faith

Verse of the Day:
Psalm 51:10

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

I'm almost positive anyone who reads this blog knows all about Summer Fest and all of its wonderfulness, but if not, check it out - Summer Festival.
Anywho, I went to Winter Festival this weekend.  On Friday, even though I really did want to go, I couldn't help but think of all the other things I could have or should have been doing instead of taking a weekend away.  Even as I was driving there I couldn't get my mind off these thoughts.  Finally I arrived at where camp was being held. I took out my phone to let people know I was there and realized I had no service. At first this panicked me, but in the end it was one of the greatest blessings of the weekend.

As soon as I got out of my car and started talking to all of the people who are involved in Winter Fest, my worries were out the door.  They are absolutely some of the greatest people I know and definitely some of the most fun people to be around.  The campers arrived and my attitude improved even more.  We went to club and worshiped our amazing Lord with song and dance and heard some wonderful words from a speaker.  I knew that was exactly where God wanted me to be this weekend.  The rest of the time continued on like that... Great worship, amazing talks with amazing campers and staff, words being spoken right to where my heart was at, and no connections to the outside world.
And then as it always does, the end of the time came too soon.  I had to leave these great people and this inspiring atmosphere and go back to the real world that I wasn't prepared to face.  Even though I could have used a couple more days of camp, God gave me exactly what I needed this weekend to feed my spirit and renew my faith in Him.  He gave me a reality check of what is important in my life right when I thought I had it all figured out.

The Simple Truth:  God knows what you need even when you don't and will provide you just the right amount.

Lord, give me opportunities to renew my faith in You.  I know that sometimes I feel that I am too busy to spend the time on You that I should, but help me to see that everything else in my life will get easier if I do.  You are a great God.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-

Friday, February 4, 2011


Verse of the Day:
Proverbs 19:20

Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.

I like to give advice.  If a friend is dealing with something that they want someone else's input on, I try to be there for them and give them the best guidance that I can.  When other people are in bad situations and all we have to do is listen to what is bothering them and give them another point of view or advice on it, we think it is so easy to see the way out of the situation.  I know a lot of times when I am listening to someone I am thinking "Well I KNOW if I were in this situation, I would handle it like this and it would totally work out."  But then if I ever am in a similar situation, I have no idea what to do.  One of the hardest things to do in life is to take your own advice.
God doesn't expect or want us to go through difficult times in our lives alone.  He has given us people in our lives who have a way to speak to our hearts using His words.  Just talking to people with backgrounds and experiences different than the ones you have can help you to be able to see things more clearly.

The Simple Truth:  You shouldn't try to handle life's problems on your own if you feel they are too much for you to handle.  Find a Christian friend, mentor, parent, or anyone who you think will have advice to lead you in the right direction.

Lord, thank You for not letting me go through any difficult times alone.  I know that it is sometimes hard to see my situation and what I should do from the inside.   Please help me to be willing to let people in to help me.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Twice as Powerful as Prayer

Verse of the Day:
1 Chronicles 16:23

Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day

I teach voice lessons. The girl I teach is super smart and very insightful. Today we were working on an English folk song, and all of the sudden she started rambling about how the words of the song were a metaphor for the composer's lost love and how the oak tree in the song compared to the heart of the person who wrote the song. It literally took me a second to figure out that she was even talking about the SONG. I personally had never actually READ the words, I had just sung them. I wasn't concerned on what the words were saying, I was just concerned of what the notes were and when I should take a breath.

My great grandmother always said that "songs are twice as powerful as prayer". I really agree with that, but sometimes I forget to put MEANING behind the words I sing. I think we all do sometimes. Next time you are singing in church or listening to the Christian radio station, THINK about the words you are singing. They are beautiful and really lift up the Lord. Think about what you're singing, and it'll be twice as powerful.

The Simple Truth: Songs are powerful things and really praise God, but sometimes we forget to put meaning behind the words we sing.


Lord, help me to pay attention to the words I am singing to You. Help me to lift Your name up so that I may praise you with my music. Amen.

Let your light shine.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

God Goals

Verse of the Day:
Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God -- what is good and acceptable and perfect. 

I am a busy girl, if some of you don't know. I tend to get myself super involved and volunteer to do wayyy too many things for my own good. Some days I wake up and set some goals for myself. I ask, 'What will be the focus of today? Will it be keeping up in government class? Or getting everything for student council ready?' I have realized lately that I have not been making it a priority to put God in the center of my days. I have been conformed by the many things that keep me busy throughout the day.

Setting goals is important. I will continue to make goals about the different activities I am involved in every day, but I'm also going to challenge myself to make a goal to pray once a day at a certain time, or to go to church one day a week. Those goals will bring me closer to God, keep me from conforming to the world, and  help me keep God at the center of my life. What God goal will you make?

The Simple Truth: It is easy to get caught up in our own worlds, but we need to keep God in the center.


Lord, help me to set goals to keep you in the center of my life. Help me understand that the things I do in this world are not what is important. Help me to come closer to you even when I am busy and to set God goals.

Let your light shine.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Verse of the Day:
Matthew 6:33

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

I have a friend who is constantly looking for something more.  She always thinks that having more of certain material things will make her happier.  She never feels people are giving her enough attention or dedication.  In all the years I’ve known her, I haven’t seen her completely content with where her life is.  Sometimes it breaks my heart that she is always reaching for something more.  Although this friend does have a relationship with God, she struggles to put Him at the top of her priority list and to ‘seek first the kingdom of God’.  She is a beautiful, wonderful girl, but she has a real issue with being thankful for what God HAS provided for her.

I know that I don’t have a perfect relationship with God either, but watching my friend struggle has made me see more than ever that no one will ever be content with material things and earthly relationships unless they are putting God as their #1 priority.  By doing this, we are making it easier for God to speak to our hearts and help us to be happy. 

The Simple Truth:  Unless you put God and your relationship with Him at the top of your list, you will never be truly happy with the things happening in your life.

Lord, thank You for all You’ve provided me with in this life.  Help me to have You and Your desires for me as the focal point of my life.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-

Friday, January 28, 2011


Verse of the Day:
1 Timothy 1:6

Some people have left these qualities behind and have turned to fruitless discussion.

I think teenagers know best that life gets pretty busy, and it gets hard to keep in touch with God. Sometimes we stray away from the Lord, and to be honest it is hard to get back on track. What's so awesome about God is that He will ALWAYS accept us, even after we have wandered on our own path. I found this song about straying and having God change hearts. It's really good, give it a listen!

The Simple Truth: It is easy to stray away from God and wander down our own paths, but God will always accept us back into His heart.


Lord, help me not to stray from you. If I do stray, remind me that You will be right there to let me back on Your path. Change me to stay strong in  you always, no matter how hectic my life can get. Amen.

Have a great weekend!
Let your light shine.