Monday, April 25, 2011

Getting to Know God

Verse of the Day: 
John 21:25

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

There was once a woman. She loved to read books and was constantly reading all sorts of novels - anything she could get her hands on.  Then one day she started reading a book someone told her was really great.  The woman got about 50 pages into the book and realized that she didn't enjoy it and didn't think it was worth her time to read.  She put the book high on her bookshelf and started a different book she thought would be better.  A few years later, this woman went on a blind date.  She left the date really happy.  This was a guy she thought she could spend a long time with and was looking forward to seeing him again.  After the two had gone on many more dates and were getting to know each other really well, the man mentioned that he had once written a book.  When she asked him about it, it turned out that the book he had written had been the one she had put down all those years ago.  As soon as the woman got home, she found the book and read it cover to cover that night.  And she LOVED it.  The book made so much more sense and was so much more valuable to her because she knew the author and was falling in love with him.

Sometimes the Bible can be boring to read.  It doesn't seem relevant to us and we can't help but think that it was written so long ago and that there is no way it can pertain to our lives anymore.  But if we get to know God and start falling in love with HIm, we look at the Bible in a completely new light.

The Simple Truth:  If you get to know and love God, the Bible can become the most interesting and inspiring book you've ever put your hands on.

Lord, help me to draw closer to You and desire Your word and guidance.  Draw me closer to You and show me how to get to know You better.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers -

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