Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Helping Hand

Verse of the Day:
Luke 6:38

For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.

I was having a very busy day. I went to school, went straight to babysit for 2 hours, then rushed to a voice lesson and then had to straight to mock trial practice. After my voice lesson, I was running short on time and I was super hungry for dinner. There is a boy, let's call him Jack, who needed a ride to mock trial. I had two options. 

1) Call Jack and tell him I couldn't give him a ride and stop at Subway to get a sandwich.
 2) Give Jack a ride and go hungry.

I decided to help Jack, despite my hungry stomach. When I pulled in his driveway, he came out his front door, carrying two brown bags. When he got in my car, he handed them to me.

"I thought you'd be hungry, I knew you usually don't have time to eat on Mondays. My mom and I packed you a  dinner" 

It was the best packed dinner I HAVE EVER HAD. A PB & J sandwich, celery, yogurt, Mountain Dew, green tea, cookies, and craisins. All of my favorites. To top it all off, his mom gave me $25 for driving Jack around.

Here's the lesson. I had a choice to make, and I decided to help out Jack instead of getting a Subway sandwich. When I made a decision to help someone, I got out even more than I could ask for. 

The Simple Truth: You will get rewarded for putting others needs before yourself.


Lord, help me to put others before me and to realize that helping people out will give me great rewards. Help me to make the right decisions on a daily basis.

Let your light shine.


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