Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons...Run to God

Verse of the Day:
1 Corinthians 2:9

5No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him

This world is pretty crazy. Things happen unexpectedly all the time. On the news each night, there are stories of kidnappings, killings, accidents and natural disasters. We all experience things like this, and most of the time, we just ask God "WHY?". It's pretty easy to do when we just don't know where to turn. At times, it is easier to ask God "Why?" than to go to Him for comfort.

We need to be reminded that it's not about explaining the mysteries of this life, but rather it is about resting on the truth. And the truth is that God loves us SO much that he sent His only son to die for us and for our sins. So when hard times hit us, we can cry to God because He's with us, walking with us, carrying us through all of life's struggles.

So pretty much we have 2 options. We can dwell on struggling to find the answers "Why?", or we can look to God and place our trust in Him. We cannot understand what God has prepared for us in this life or for eternity.. So when we cry out "Why?" He alone can quiet our souls. In Him we can find comfort, peace and rest, even when we can't find explanations.

The Simple Truth: This world is crazy, but God is always there to comfort us when we cannot find explanations for life's mysteries.

Reflect: When something tragic happens in my life, do I constantly ask God "Why?" or do I run to Him for comfort?

Lord, help me to understand that you are with me through everything, carrying me through the rough times. Help me to turn to you next time I am found in one of life's mysteries and cannot find answers. I know you are the only one who can give me the peace I need.

Let your light shine.

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