Sunday, August 1, 2010

Armor of God - Part 1

Verse of the Day:  
Ephesians 6:10-11, 14-15.
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes… 14 Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. 15 As shoes for your feet, put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace.

Okay, so what does it mean to put on the full armor of God?  Armor?  What the heck?  It reminds us of a knight.  Wellll let’s get out of the medieval ages and figure out what it means to be a part of God’s army.

First, in case you didn’t know, the book of Ephesians is actually a letter written by a follower of Paul, the apostle, to the group of people known as the Ephesians.  Not at all doubting your intelligence, we just never knew that until we read deeper into the Bible.  This letter explains that we’re not saved by DOING good works, but in ORDER to do good works.  Sweet, huh?

Let’s start with the belt of truth.  So, we wear belts to keep everything in place.  The same goes for our ‘belt of truth’.  A belt holds up our clothes, just like our ‘belt of truth’ holds up our faith. Truth keeps us secure in Christ and makes all the other pieces of armor effective.

Now, on to the breastplate of righteousness.  Obviously the point of the breastplate is to protect the chest.  Who knows what vital organ is in the chest?  If you guessed the heart, you’re right!  Having our ‘breastplate of righteousness’ will help us stay confident in our faith knowing that God is protecting our hearts from pain. 

Shoes.  We love shoes.  We’d love to tell you all about our collection of shoes, but we have more important things to talk about.  To be a good Christian soldier, we need to be ready at all times to show the love of Christ and to have an answer for anyone who questions our faith.  We need to reach out to those lost souls and be examples of the gospel.  Your shoes need to be on and laces double knotted for wherever God leads you.

More on the armor of God tomorrow.  Get excited.

The Simple Truth:  Fighting for God and your faith can sometimes be a real battle.  But God gives you the tools you need to stay strong.  And you can always trust that He will never leave your side.

Reflect:  How can you dress in the armor of God on a daily basis?

Apply:  Take small steps!  God expects you to be ready to defend Him, but He’ll never put you in a situation that’s more than you can handle.  No soldier is ready right away, so don’t expect yourself to be either.  We’re just in boot camp right now. ;)


Lord, give me the belt of truth so that I am secure in Your love, the breastplate of righteousness to protect my fragile heart, and good walking shoes so that I am able to go out and share Your good news to those who are struggling to find You.  Thank You for protecting me and always being my greatest warrior.  Amen.


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