Friday, August 13, 2010

Be An Example

Verse of the Day:
1 Timothy 4:12

12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

How many times have you heard adults say, ‘Kids these days… They don’t know how to be thankful for all the things they have…  When I was their age, my life was so much more difficult…  I walked to school in the snow uphill both ways...’  Okay maybe the last one was a little extreme, but my dad honestly says that sometimes. hahaha.  But seriously, I feel like I have encountered a lot of adults in my life who think that our generation is a bunch of selfish, needy, spoiled brats.  (There are also a lot great adults I’ve met, but another post will focus on them!)  Which I can totally understand by the way some of the people I know act.  I think in general, we do have really great lives.  Most of us know where we’re going to sleep each night, we know that we’ll have food on our table, and we know our parents will love us even if we make them mad sometimes.  I know I’ve overlooked a lot of great things in my life before and just wanted more, more, more.  Our parent’s generation was more able to be content with what they had and some of that can be blamed on society.  It’s hard not to want the new iPod when it comes out or to expect a car when you turn 16.  Society tells you that you need these things!

Anywho, what we need to do is show these people how GREAT Christian kids are!  Just because we’re young doesn’t mean that we can’t change the world.  I honestly think that everyone changes the world, maybe the change isn’t noticed by everyone, but if you change one person’s life you could potentially change the world by the domino effect.  Live your life to show God within you.  So many people have come to God not because someone verbally forced them to, but because they saw people living as great Christians and thought ‘… Whatever is making them so happy, I should try that.’ 

One thing I think of a lot that totally fits with this verse is what Alan Hansen-Begg said when he got up at the candle light vigil at camp… ‘I never knew that Christian kids could be so cool.  You guys have restored my faith in the future of the world.’  I remember honestly crying when he said that because I think so many adults have his mindset.  And we have restored his faith in the future of the world.  YAY!  One down, a lot more to go. ;)  Be your Summer Fest self all year long and we will be able to show the adults of this world that we’re not the selfish kids they think we are. 

Be grateful.  Be compassionate.  Be loving.  Be pure.  Be faithful.  Be giving.  Be helpful.  Be polite.  Be understanding.  Be a child of God.

The Simple Truth:  The best way to show anyone God is to BE an example of God.  W.W.J.D.

Reflect:  How can I talk, live my life, and love others to be an example of the gospel?

Apply:  Is there a specific adult you could think of when you were reading this post that really struggles in their faith of teenagers today?  Make a point to really show them what a great Christian you are.

Lord, thank You for all that You have provided in my life.  I am so blessed even though I don’t realize it sometimes.  Help me to be a living example of You and show others how great it is to be Your child.  You are an amazing God.  Amen.    

Have a great weekend!  We’ll be back on Monday.  Try not to miss us too much : )

Peace, love & prayers-

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