Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Verse of the Day:
Genesis 4:7

7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.

Choices, choices, choices.  Every day I have to make about a million choices and it always stresses me out.  I can choose to talk bad about someone or I can choose to keep my mouth closed.  I can choose to go out and drink or I can choose to stay in and watch a movie with my friends.  I can choose to go too far with a boy or I can choose to stand my ground.  We have so many things that we have to decide and each one of them effects the path of our life, no matter how small we think it is.  It is so cool to me that our God is a God of choice.  We can CHOOSE to follow Him or CHOOSE not to.  He never forces us to worship Him, it’s up to us.  By making choices that make HIM happy, we are in turn doing what is right and will be accepted by Him for it.  But if we choose to make choices that aren’t following what He wants for us-->‘sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you…’  Kind of a creepy way to put it, but I think it gets the point across well!  God has a great plan for your life, but the choices YOU make determine when, how, and if you get there.

The Simple Truth:  You know how God wants you to live your life – make choices that line up with His plan for you.

Lord, thank You for giving me the gift of choice.  I am so blessed that on a daily basis I get to say ‘yes’ to You.  Help me with the times I say ‘no’ and make choices that don’t show I am following you.  Do not let sin rule over me.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-

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