Thursday, September 23, 2010


Verse of the Day:
2 Timothy 2:13

13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful - for He cannot deny who He is.

I was talking to my really good friend the other day.  He is kinda sorta currently working on finding his faith, and I am doing my best to help him and be an example of God’s love and grace to him.  We were talking about something faith related the other day and he was like ‘Well when I can say I believe without a doubt…’.  WITHOUT A DOUBT?!  I was amazed at him for saying that because I know that sometimes I doubt.  I wonder - if God really loved me and cared about me, why would He let _____ happen to me?  Why would He let me get so hurt?  Why won’t He just tell me what I should be doing with my life?!  

I remember one time specifically that I was having a lot of doubts.  Ironically it was the only year in about the past 10 years that I didn’t go to camp.  I can still think back and see myself thinking… ‘I don’t know.  Maybe this all isn’t real.  Maybe this is what my parents and my church want me to believe, but how do I know it’s the truth?’  I did a lot of soul searching that year and figuring out who I was. And that is when I found my OWN faith.  What I could trust in and believe in and what made sense to me.  And obviously God stuck with me through my entire journey.  Seriously, how great is our God?

The Simple Truth:  No matter how much we doubt God, He is waiting with open arms to take us back. 

Lord, thank You for always being faithful and for never giving up on me no matter how much I doubt you.  I am blessed to be Your child.  Please help anyone who is struggling with their faith and looking for a relationship with you.  Show them the way and help them to be accepting to Your love and grace.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-


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