Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Verse of the Day:
Ephesians 4:29

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that what you are saying may benefit those who listen.

I KNOW gossiping is bad.  It hurts people when you talk badly about them.  Chances are you probably have at least part of the story wrong.  God tells me a million times in the Bible that gossiping is a sin.  It usually makes you look like a bad person too. And I could continue with more reasons why I shouldn’t gossip.  Yet I still find myself doing it, even today.  I know I should be saying things that are helping people, not hurting them and their reputation, but for some reason I can’t stop.

I remember in high school there was a girl and I who didn’t get along.  If anything happened in either of our lives, the other one would always somehow be the first one to know and be gossiping about it.  This literally lasted all the way until senior year when we realized how silly it was.  Now looking back, I see that she was actually a pretty cool girl and we could have been good friends if we hadn’t been so interested in ruining each other’s lives. 

One of my friends and I were talking about gossiping the other day and we realized we spend A LOT of time talking about other people.  What do YOU spend the majority of the time talking about when you’re with your friends?  Think about it…

The Simple Truth:  There are so many other things to talk about beside each other.  Gossip hurts everyone involved.

Lord, help me to keep a watch over my mouth.  I know it is so much better to build up my peers, but sometimes it is just easier to tear them down.  Help me to think before I speak and say things that will help and not hurt.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-

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