Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Messy Houses & Lives

Verse of the Day:
Psalm 51:2

Wash away all my inequity and cleanse me of my sins.

My apartment at college is not what I would call clean.  With four busy 20-something girls living in it, it gets pretty dirty really fast.  Little things like not putting our shoes on the rug or not doing our dishes because we think we don’t have time can make a dirty house quicker than we realize.  I think a lot of it goes back to a ‘I’ll clean that up when I have time!’ mentality.  Then we look around one day and realize what a mess we’ve made and one or all of us goes on a ‘cleaning spree’ and the place is spotless… For a few hours at least.

When our lives get busy, we, ourselves, can also get ‘messy’.  We accumulate sin or grudges or baggage, and pretty soon our lives are full of things that are making our souls unclean.  We look around one day and realize that even though we planned on cleaning our lives up, we’re in a bigger mess than we thought we’d be in.  When we see that our life needs some major cleaning, we can’t just do it ourselves.  We need to go to God and ask for forgiveness and His help to make our lives pure again.

The Simple Truth:  Our lives, just like our houses, get messy.  Look around at where you’re at and see if you need to ask God to help you do a little cleaning.

Lord, help me to be able to see my life how You see it and ask for help when I need to make myself pure again.  Thank You for always forgiving me, no matter how big of a mess I’ve made of things.  Amen.  

Peace, love & prayers-

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