Monday, October 4, 2010

Looking In All The Wrong Places

Verse of the Day:
Psalm 9:9

The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.

The other night, my friend came up to me FREAKING OUT. She had lost her car keys, and she was very upset. She was scared of what her parents would say and was leaving the next day early in the morning and needed the keys. She was frantic - searching EVERYWHERE. She emptied all her pockets - twice, she looked through her unlocked car, she retraced her steps from the entire evening, and she even searched near the football field in the pitch dark. I drove her home to get the spare set (yes, she was freaking out that much even though there was a spare set at her house) and drove her back up to where her car was parked. About 5 minutes later, I had a phone call from her. Her voice sound relieved! She had found her car keys! They flew off the hood of her car when she stopped at a stop sign. Although she was seaching everywhere for those car keys, they were right in front of her the whole time.

Relating this to our relationship with God - Sometimes when we're in trouble, we look in all the wrong places for the right answers. We look for answers in clothes, relationships, or media. Have you ever noticed that no matter how hard we look, nothing satisfies us? That's because God is the only one who can truly satisfy our needs and comfort us in times of trouble. Best part about it, He's right there for us whenever we need Him.

The Simple Truth: When we're in trouble, God is right under our noses, just waiting to help us when we call on Him.


God, help me to realize that you are the only one who can satisfy my heart. Help me to turn to you when I need comfort instead of other materialistic things that will never fufill me.

Let your light shine.

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