Thursday, October 7, 2010

I am

Verse of the Day:

Exodus 3:14

God said to Moses, "I am who I am."

I remember hearing this passage many times in church as a kid.  I always thought that it sounded confusing-- "I am who I am"?  Welllll I am who I am too.  haha.  But I heard someone talk about this verse the other day and FINALLY after 21 years, I feel like I understand it.  God isn't saying "I was" and He's not saying "I will be".  He is saying I AM.  Right now, this very moment, HE IS.  Which I think is His way of reminding us to live our lives in the present.  We can't live in the past because it's gone, and the future is out of our control.  But we do have today, and today God is with us every step of our journey.

So slow down and take in TODAY.  They'll never be another one.

The Simple Truth:  God wants us to remember to live in the present and not focus in past mistakes or future plans.

Lord, help me to remember that you are in control of my life.  That I can't change my past, and you will be right by my side every step of my journey to the future.  You are a great God.  Amen

Peace, love & prayers-

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