Thursday, October 21, 2010


Verse of the Day:
John 10:10

Jesus said, "I have come that you may have life and have it to the fullest."

Ever have one of those days where you are feeling on top of the world? Like you have your whole life figured out, you feel great physically, and your relationship with God is just going AWESOME?!

On the other hand, have you ever had one of those days where you feel like everything is going wrong, you have a headache and a stomach ache, and you feel very distant from God?

The difference between those two days is DISCIPLINE. Ahh scary! When we see that word, we kinda freak out. Wouldn't you agree? But the truth is, we really feel our best when we're disciplining ourselves. When we eat well and exercise, we feel fully alive physically. When we help others in their journey and love one another, we feel fully alive emotionally. When we study and do our homework, we feel fully alive intellecually. When we're totally connected to God and pray to Him consistently, we feel fully alive spiritually.

I read in a book a quote about discipline. It was "Are you thriving? Or are you just surviving?" Let's just say it really hit me. In order to feel great every day, we need to discipline ourselves. Not just with our eating habits and how we act around others, but in our relationship with God. This discipline won't tie us down, but rather set us free.

The Simple Truth: In order to feel fully alive in every aspect of our lives, we gotta have DISCIPLINE.


Lord, help me stay fully committed to you. Help me to come to you regularly and consistently, so that I may discipline myself to have a better relationship with you.

Let your light shine.

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