Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Verse of the Day:
Philippians 2:4

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself.

It is really really easy to think of ourselves before we think of others.  I believe that as humans we are naturally selfish and understandably, we want what is best for us.  This is our life and every one of us wants to be happy, successful, loved - all that.  There are many times that I can think of where I did something that didn't necessarily put someone else in a bad place, but it definitely benefited me more than it did anyone else.  God tells us here that we should be thinking about what is best for others before we think of what is best for ourself.
This brings me to the real point of this blog.  People matter.  Our lives would be nothing like they are right now if we didn't have people to celebrate with and to suffer with.  To love and to appreciate, and to love and appreciate us.  To influence and be influenced by.
If you're constantly focused on yourself and what is going to make your life easier and better, chances are you're not going to be the #1 person that people will want to be around.  But if you're making life easier and better for people around you, you will be someone that other people are drawn to.  People will want to be around you because you make THEM better.  Awesome.

Think about this:
The overwhelming majority of the time I spend thinking about myself, pleasing myself, reassuring myself, and when I am done there is nothing to spare for everyone else.  Six billion people live in this word and I can only muster thoughts for one.  Me.

Take some time to think about others today and appreciate all the amazing people you have in your life.

The Simple Truth: People matter.  Serve those around you.

Lord, help me to look at others as more important than myself.  It is easy for me to be selfish in so many situations, but show me the way to serve You and others in everything I do.  Amen.

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