Verse of the Day:
Psalm 23:1
The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
I started my mentorship program today with a music therapist. As of now, we are mostly working with hospice patients. These are people who are nearing the end of their lives and really have no possessions left. One woman I worked with today had a clogged tubing feed yesterday and still claimed to be having "a good week". The people I worked with today were so grateful for our service of music to them, and they made it known.
As I was sitting there watching these patients, I put things into perspective. I was complaining only an hour earlier because I didn't want to pay for gas or because I didn't know what I should wear that day. Looking at those hospice patients, THEY were the ones who really had something they could complain about, but they didn't. They did not take for granted the things they had.
God is our provider. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we do NOT have, that we forget to acknowledge or thank God for the things that we DO have. Try to realize that we are extremely lucky people and to take a second look at the good things in our life.
The Simple Truth: God provides us with everything we need. Take nothing for granted.
Lord, help me to realize the great things in my life. Help me to know that You are my provider and my Shepard and that you will not abandon me. Help me to not take things for granted and to be grateful for the wonderful things in my life. Amen.
Let your light shine.
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