Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What is the most I can do?

Verse of the Day:
Matthew 16:24

Whoever wishes to follow me, let him deny himself and take up his cross.

I've been working a lot on attitude lately, which is hard for me (for those who don't know me, I am actually quite the pessimist). But looking at this positively really truly does make your day go a lot smoother. Whenever I'm getting down on myself or on others, I think of this verse. I don't know why, it just gets me thinking about Jesus and all he did for me. It also gets me thinking of how I can do things for others.

Jesus never said "What's the least I can do and still bring salvation to the whole entire world?". Instead, he asked "What is the most I can do?". He gave up his life for us! With a positive attitude and this mentality of "What is the most I can do?", we're bound to make a difference in someone's life.

Especially in this holiday season, ask yourself, "What is the most I can do?". Maybe you can give up a couple Christmas presents this year and put the money toward buying toys for other kids who can't afford them. Maybe you can volunteer somewhere to package food for underprivlaged areas. So many options! What will do you?

The Simple Truth: Jesus did so much for us. He sacrificed is own life. What can we do for others?


Lord, help me to be considerate of others and to ask myself regularly what I can do to improve someone's day. Help me make sacrifices, like You did on the cross.

Let your light shine.

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