Monday, October 11, 2010

I Need People

Verse of the Day:
Genesis 2:18

The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone..."

We all know this story.  God created the world in 7 days.  Made Adam.  Made Eve because Adam was lonely. But this story shows how God made us not to be alone.  God made us for relationships -- He made us want and need people around us.  Although God is always with us, He doesn't want us ever to have to be physically alone either if we don't want to be.
I know that I am very blessed to have a great family and a lot of amazing friends that my life would be drastically different without.  There really are people in my life that I NEED.  I need my sisters.  I need my parents.  I need a couple close friends.  And it is an amazing experience to be able to have relationships with them.  I know that I would have never sanely made it through at a lot of times in my life if it hadn't been for the fact that I have great people to talk to about what is going on with me.  People who understand and who want to be there for me and help me.  God placed people in my life when and where He knew I needed them.  And He placed ME in people's lives where He knew they needed me.  Gosh He's great.

'...I wondered at how beautiful it is that you and I were created to need each other.  The romantic need is just the beginning, because we need our families and we need our friends.  In this way, we are made in God's image. Certainly God does not need people in the way you and I do, but He feels a joy at being loved, and He feels a joy at delivering love.  It is a striking thought to realize that, in paradise, a human is incomplete without a host of other people.' -- Donald Miller (Searching for God Knows What)

The Simple Truth: We were made for each other.  To enjoy one another, to hurt one another, to help one another, to lead one another, to be there for one another.

Lord, thank You for the people you've given for me in my life.  Thank You for making me need others and need to build connections and relationships with them in order to understand real love.  Help me to be the person You want me to be in others lives.  Amen.

Peace, love & prayers-

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