Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mustard Seeds

Verse of the Day:
Matthew 17:20

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

I grew up in a household where we go to church. Every. Single. Weekend. No exception. It just happened, and none of us minded! So I always knew God was there, but I didn't really have a strong personal relationship with Him.

I went to Summerfest for the first time, and the one word that described my mood the whole week was frustrated. Of course all the games were fun along with the staff and my counselors, but when it came to God and talking about Him, I got so frustrated. I wanted Him to SHOW me right there and then that He was there. I was basically looking for a sign like a giant gust of wind from heaven or Skittles raining to show me He was present.

I heard this verse about the mustard seed somehwere along the way that week, and thought "Okay, if He's not gonna give me a huge sign, I might as well just give this whole faith thing a try. I'll plant a mustard seed, just to test Him out." Looking back, nothing happened right away. But let me tell you, my faith has grown since then, I mean it has grown A LOT. I'm not saying I'm perfect with my relationship with God or anything like that, but I AM saying that since I planted just that little bit of faith in my heart, God has grown something permanent. So if you're on the fence about this whole faith thing, give it a try! A little mustard seed of faith won't hurt ;)

The Simple Truth: With just a tiny bit of faith, you can do a lot of things. God will help you blossom!


God, help me to have faith in You. Give me the courage to plant a mustard seed of faith in my heart and to help it grow. YOU'RE AWESOME. Amen.

Let your light shine.

1 comment:

  1. Another sweet post! Love reading your new one daily.

    Love you guys -

